Friday 7 September 2018

Marketing : Get out of your comfort zone.

Marketing is not simple. It is just not following someones (senior) style or ideas but implementing ideas that is suitable for the industry you are in or the target consumers. 
© creativecommonsstockphotos ID 109909809 | Dreamstime Stock Photos
© creativecommonsstockphotos
ID 109909809 | Dreamstime Stock Photos
Take your mind to unusual places. Read about topics you wouldn’t normally read. Take an alternate route. Take a vacation. Go to some meetups to find people with different interests. Strike up conversation with people who have different views.
You will be surprised at what you see and learn, and how your own creativity expands. You will start to design ways to grabs consumers attention.  You will be presenting your business to your target market, in many different ways. 
© creativecommonsstockphotos ID 83059945 | Dreamstime Stock Photos
© creativecommonsstockphotos
ID 83059945 | Dreamstime Stock Photos

Here at My MaxiMarketing we will take the task from you and channel your service or product onto the right platform.We can help to save your time and significantly increase reach and create brand impact. Furthermore since we are in the business rest assured of continuous marketing activity. We will continually keep consumers engaged.  

We are here to ensure your business is growing.

Wednesday 5 September 2018

MaxiMarketing - The Model

The summary of the book is well captured in the following article  Maximarketing

and here I have captured the main concept identified by founders and authors Stan Rapp and Thomas L. Collins in their 1987 book MaxiMarketing

The MaxiMarketing model was built upon nine points also listed in the article:
  1. Maximized targeting. This was essentially segmenting the market narrowly by demographics and geography in order to understand and reach the best sales prospects.
  2. Maximized media. In order to reach the more narrow consumer groups, Rapp and Collins argued, marketers needed to send their message through many different media channels, not just mainstream television and radio.
  3. Maximized accountability. Accountability referred to ensuring, through formal tracking, that specific marketing efforts were actually delivering results.
  4. Maximized awareness. This meant developing creative ways to reach consumers with the marketing message, such as sponsoring sporting events.
  5. Maximized activation. Activation was a code word for promotional strategies that involved consumer participation, such as contests.
  6. Maximized synergy. The authors suggested that businesses could accomplish multiple objectives through a single advertising vehicle. Examples included cross-promoting two different products, building a sales database from a direct-response campaign, and promoting two distribution channels through one ad.
  7. Maximized linkage. Linkage was a means of developing and maintaining personal contact with customers, such as through consumer help lines and correspondence.
  8. Maximized sales. MaxiMarketing emphasized increasing sales through long-term customer relations rather than solely through short-term promotions.
  9. Maximized distribution. Rapp and Collins also advocated pursuing multiple channels of product distribution, such as combinations of retail and direct selling.

Monday 27 August 2018

Colors to Grab attention

Colors is a beautiful creation, it is so magical and beautiful.

© Publicdomainphotos
© Publicdomainphotos
Colors surely affect our psychology. Just look at us, although new born baby may not be able to distinguish colors, we human have created symbolizing of colors. Blue is for Baby Boy and Pink is for Baby Girls.  Have we been indoctrinated ??

© Glossygirl21ID 7788803 | Dreamstime Stock Photos

Although many research are still being carried out on the affects of  'Colors', it  has been widely used in the area of business, marketing and advertisements.

Colors has proven to be a visual identity of brand, Now just take a moment to visit Brands and Colors  to see how far you have been "###". We have to admit our unconscious mind remembers and drives us there.

It is a psychological communication tool, with the right symbol and the right color one simple 'design' or logo can create a profound impact on us.

Many people just make mistake by choosing their favorite colors for their business, not realizing that it is more then that. It is the one major 'tool ' that could burn into the memories of users for 'magical' reasons. Just a glance at it and people should be able to recall and make connections with your identity, product or services.

'Own the color' is another concept where some brands has accomplished superiority where the color is 'owned' by them. Any presence or combination of the such color and the first thing to come into mind will be the brand. 

Thursday 23 August 2018

As customers are becoming more demanding - reaching out to them has become a necessary task. Now My Maxi Marketing will provide consistent consumer reach out through various platform.

My Maxi will handle engagement with clients by providing  content, campaigns and platforms to promote your products or services. At the right time, customers will be pulled towards your product or services.

Our main job is to create and shape your brand in consumers minds

Without stretching the monthly budget far too much, My Maxi Marketing will be able to spread information throughout multiple channel for as low as RM200.00 monthly. 

Thursday 16 August 2018

Wednesday 15 August 2018

How the bees choose the flowers ....

A business need to gain and retain their consumers at all time to ensure their business success .. 

If we know  why consumers choose the products , we have a better chance of gravitating them towards our products. 

Knowing why is the best way to market the product. 

For starters the following steps must be done for continuing success 

What are consumers buying ?
Why are they buying ? 
We want the consumer to choose our product over the others 

Just like how the bees choose the flowers. Our Business got to be 'The plant' that attracts bees !!  

Thursday 26 October 2017

Marketing is actually making your business or your product visible.

With current time and trend, Online Visibility plays a major role in increasing sales of product or services.

Its like giving a box of chocolate or candy to people its a surefire way to get their attention.

Push it to them .. Push the candies forward to them just looking at those colors can actually temp the people to want to pick one.

That's exactly what e-marketing does for your business ... push it to the public

Wednesday 25 October 2017

E Marketing (Freelancer)
Online marketing is important because it aligns with the way people make purchasing decisions.Its a way to build reputation and recolonization.

What I specialize in  :
  • Social Media Marketing (Optimization)
    • Brand awareness 
    • increase engagement
    • direct traffic
    • influencer 
  • Search Engine Marketing
  • Blog Marketing 
    • Contend Development 
    • Article Marketing
  • Video Marketing
  • Image Marketing 
  • Online Public Relations Management
  • Consultation on Strategy,Planning and Executing EMarketing/EBranding
  • Generating Prospects for Sales Team 
    • DataBase Sourcing 
    • Email Marketing 
  • Mobile Marketing
  • Social Media Campaign (promotions)
  • Website Consultant (to view analyticalally and advise on improvements related to marketing strategy)
Why you should hire freelancer :
  • already have a set of existing audience
  • strong strategy skill (specialized skill to get right to work)
  • handle high volume of audience 
  • save money by hiring freelance 
  • when a contract is over,  no longer have to pay

Marketing : Get out of your comfort zone.

Marketing is not simple. It is just not following someones (senior) style or ideas but implementing ideas that is suitable for the industr...